The city developed its academic reputation during the Age of Enlightenment. The city’s architectural sites include the 12 th century Norman castle which overlooks the capital the cathedral, which is said to date to around 1124 CE and the Palace of Holyroodhouse, which has housed many Scottish and British monarchs over the centuries. One of the oldest cities in the United Kingdom, Edinburgh is known for its many historical locations, its reputation as an intellectual hub and its huge arts and culture scene. It was the first modern, national university in China, founded in 1898, and continuously ranks amongst the best universities in the world. There are a number of successful universities in the city, although perhaps the most well-known is Peking University. Famous landmarks such as the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, part of the Great Wall of China and the Temple of Heaven are all located in the capital. Preserved through dynasties, invasions and wars, Beijing is home to some of the country’s most celebrated, traditional Chinese architecture. The city of Beijing has a tumultuous 3,000-year-long history, although evidence of human ancestry in the region dates back an immense 700,000 years. The significant cultural and academic influence of the city has attracted many prominent thinkers and artists over the years, including perhaps the most celebrated scientist in history, Galileo Galilei. The University of Padua is the second-oldest university in the country, founded almost a millennium ago. It’s also the setting for The Taming of the Shrew. Said to be the oldest city in northern Italy, Padua is famous for its university, and its picturesque, arcaded architecture. There are currently around 20 universities in Greece, and Athens is home to both the oldest university and the highest ranked university: the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and the National Technical University of Athens respectively. Athens itself was home to some of the most eminent thinkers in recorded history, including Socrates, Aristotle and Plato – who founded the Platonic Academy, possibly the earliest institution for higher education in the western world. Philosophy, art, literature European culture, political ideology and intellectual freedom all stems from the ideas cultivated in Ancient Greece. We couldn’t begin with anything other than the birthplace of democracy and civilisation. These five student cities are some of the most ancient inhabited places on the planet: They’re shrouded in an aura of prestige, wisdom and stature which only comes with age and knowledge. It’s no coincidence that some of the highest ranked universities in the world have existed for centuries. Historic university cities often have years and years of academic achievements, fascinating stories and famous alumni. One of the great things about studying internationally is the exposure it gives students to different cultures. For the Office of the Vice-Chancellor/President.For the Office of Institutional Planning, Strategy and Research.